Flow Ninja Logo Dark

Unlimited layouts,
one Kickoff File

Project Set Up

*Note: Figma set up has Desktop, Tablet and Mobile side by side.
On Webflow we need to adjust Fonts on specific brakepoints.

Project set up

Upload & Apply Fonts

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Body (All Pages)


Project set up

Global Font Styles

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport


Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
All H1 Headings

Heading 1

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
All H2 Headings

Heading 2

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
All H3 Headings

Heading 3

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
All H4 Headings

Heading 4

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
All H5 Headings
Heading 5
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
All H6 Headings
Heading 6
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
All Paragraphs

We try your eye, but can you change everything? in an ideal world nor can we try some other colours maybe just do what you think.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Text Big

We try your eye, but can you change everything? in an ideal world nor can we try some other colours maybe just do what you think.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Text Small

We try your eye, but can you change everything? in an ideal world nor can we try some other colours maybe just do what you think.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
All Quotes
Block Quote
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Label Small
This is some text inside of a div block.
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
This is some text inside of a div block.
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Label Big
This is some text inside of a div block.
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
All Links
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
All Unordered Lists
  • This is a dog
  • This is a dog
  • This is a dog
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
All Ordered Lists
  1. This is a dog
  2. This is a dog
  3. This is a dog
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Rich Text

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Fig Caption Example
Project set up

Global Background Classes

Primary / Navy

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Change the parent class color
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Change the parent class color
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
BG Navy 300
Change the parent class color

Secondary / Orange

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
BG Orange 100
Change the parent class color
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
BG Orange 200
Change the parent class color
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
BG Orange 300
Change the parent class color

Secondary / Purple

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
BG Bordeaux 100
Change the parent class color
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
BG Bordeaux 200
Change the parent class color
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
BG Bordeaux 300
Change the parent class color

Secondary / Blue

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
BG Blue 100
Change the parent class color
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
BG Blue 200
Change the parent class color
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
BG Blue 300
Change the parent class color


Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
BG Neutral
Change the parent class color
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
BG Neutral 100
Change the parent class color
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
BG Neutral 200
Change the parent class color
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
BG Neutral 300
Change the parent class color
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
BG Neutral 400
Change the parent class color
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
BG Neutral 500
Change the parent class color
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
BG Neutral 600
Change the parent class color

States Colors

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
BG Error State
Change the parent class color
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
BG Success State
Change the parent class color
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
BG Warning State
Change the parent class color
Project set up

Text Colors

Global Text Colors

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
All Paragraphs

We try your eye, but can you change everything? in an ideal world nor can we try some other colours maybe just do what you think.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
All Links
Text Link

Neutral Text Colors

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Text Neutral

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Text Neutral 200

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Text Neutral 400

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Text Neutral 600

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Brand Text Colors

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Text Navy 300

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Text Orange 300

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Text Bordeaux 300

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Text Blue 300

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Project set up


Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Touch me
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Button Small
Touch me
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Button Variant
Touch me
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Button Variant Small
Touch me
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Slider Button Left
Slider Button Left
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Slider Button Right
Slider Button Right
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Button Link
Text Link
Project set up


Note, please copy the code from Page Settings only on the pages that will include forms in order to have all custom forms working properly.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Select Input
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Text Area
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Checkbox Field
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Radio Button
Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.
Project Set Up


Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Project Set Up


Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport

Example Set Up for a Default Section

Combo Classes

*Note: Figma set up has Desktop, Tablet and Mobile side by side. On Webflow we need to adjust Fonts on specific brakepoints.

Combo Classes


Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Padding XXS
Change the parent class padding
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Padding XS
Change the parent class padding
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Padding S
Change the parent class padding
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Padding M
Change the parent class padding
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Padding L
Change the parent class padding
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Padding XL
Change the parent class padding
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Padding XXL
Change the parent class padding
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Padding 3XL
Change the parent class padding
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
No Padding
Change the parent class padding
Combo Classes


Bottom Margins

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Bot XXS

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Bot XS

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Bot S

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Bot M

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Bot L

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Bot XL

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Bot XXL

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Bot 3XL

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
No Margin

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Top Margins

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Top XXS

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Top XS

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Top S

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Top M

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Top L

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Top XL

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Top XXL

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Top 3XL

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
No Top Margin

Back-end of third quarter pushback.


Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Left XXS

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Left XS

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Left S

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Left M

Back-end of third quarter pushback.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
No Left Margin

Back-end of third quarter pushback.


Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Right XXS

Back-end of

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Right XS

Back-end of

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Right S

Back-end of

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Margin Right M

Back-end of

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
No Right Margin

Back-end of

Combo Classes

Max Width

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Max Width S

We try your eye, but can you change everything? in an ideal world nor can we try some other colours maybe just do what you think.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Max Width M

We try your eye, but can you change everything? in an ideal world nor can we try some other colours maybe just do what you think.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Max Width L

We try your eye, but can you change everything? in an ideal world nor can we try some other colours maybe just do what you think.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Max Width XL

We try your eye, but can you change everything? in an ideal world nor can we try some other colours maybe just do what you think.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Max Width XXL

We try your eye, but can you change everything? in an ideal world nor can we try some other colours maybe just do what you think.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Max Width 3XL

We try your eye, but can you change everything? in an ideal world nor can we try some other colours maybe just do what you think.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Full Width

We try your eye, but can you change everything? in an ideal world nor can we try some other colours maybe just do what you think.

Combo Classes

Text Alignment

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Text Left

We try your eye, but can you change everything? in an ideal world nor can we try some other colours maybe just do what you think.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Text Center

We try your eye, but can you change everything? in an ideal world nor can we try some other colours maybe just do what you think.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Text Right

We try your eye, but can you change everything? in an ideal world nor can we try some other colours maybe just do what you think.

Combo Classes


Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Change the Container Grid class Grid settings
Combo Classes

Flex Overrides

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Flex Center
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Flex Left
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Flex Right
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Flex Stretch
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Flex Space Between
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Flex Space Around

Global Classes

*Note: Figma set up has Desktop, Tablet and Mobile side by side. On Webflow we need to adjust Fonts on specific brakepoints.

Global Classes


Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport

Example of the column class

Pretty handy for positioning in the grid.

Touch me
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport

Example of the column class

Pretty handy for positioning in the grid.

Touch me
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport

Example of the column class

Pretty handy for positioning in the grid.

Touch me
Global Classes

Button Wrapper

Example of the column class

Pretty handy for positioning in the grid.

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Button Wrapper
Global Classes

Main Wrapper

Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Main Wrapper
Global Classes


Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Icon S
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Icon M
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Icon L
Global Classes


Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
{Component Name} Swiper
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Swiper Wrapper
{Component Name} List
Icon - Webflow Desktop viewport
Swiper Slide
{Component Name} Item
No items found.
Global Classes

CMS Collections Set Up

No items found.
Global Classes

Overflow Hidden

Global Classes


Global Classes

Z 99